How can you bank into this very profitable venue of money making? Become a guru yourself! It's more simple than ever with my step by step instructions. Average people making six figures yearly, those that were the blue collared workers now become the rich. Or how about totally erasing that horrible anarchy of poor, middle class and wealthy how about if I erase poor and middle class all together?
All it takes is a computer some knowledge on how the internet works, a connection to the internet and an idea or niche! And I am going to share with you right now how you can take a niche and turn it into a profit making money maker.
Money, we all need it and we all want more of it. Sit down and think about all the things that could make you more money online. What is available online for you to make money?
Amazing Simple Ways of Making Money Online
One of the most amazing and simple ways of making money online is by selling the products of these marketing money making gurus, till of course you make your own product informational "ebook". And to do that is through Clickbank.
What do you need to sell these gurus money making products yourself? It's called an affiliate link and once you create a clickbank account you will be asked to create a user name or nick name this will be incorporated into your affiliate link so that your sales will be tracked. What is an affiliate you ask? Affiliates are those that sell a product, can be tangible or intangible made by someone else that the affiliate promotes or advertises and everytime they sell this product the affiliate makes an commission from the sale usually 50% of the sale. Anything less is of course is not worth your time.
I will show you how to find the best selling affiliate products and what certain terms mean on clickbank and how I learned from the best gurus on how to make money later and who you should trust to help you make your own money!
Money Making Gurus
You work hard everyday at your job, clocking in your hours, stress of deadlines, or physical and mentally exhausting work. Many hours of your day, weeks, months and years are spent at work, roughly 80% of your life is spent at work! Amazing statistic and quite disgusting when you think about it. When all this time could be spent doing the things you enjoy in life the most, spending more time with family and friends, traveling, experiencing more of life's wonders and joys instead of working 9-5 Monday-Friday.
Why can't I put my work on auto-pilot and make the type of money these gurus make? Is it because I am not smart enough? Wrong! Anyone that can connect to the internet can make money online. What do these money making guru's have that I don't?
They have a niche and they have interested traffic meaning real people that are interested in what they to say. They sell their information to a niche, a niche means a targeted product or item, even information can be niched. But it has to be targeted, imagine that you wished to create your own niche, selling lingerie. Lingerie is such a huge and broad spectrum type of niche that when you search for lingerie online you can come up with over a million sites all trying to sell lingerie. Too big of a market and the big fish have already claimed it, example Victoria's Secret and they're not going to back down to a little tadpole like you. The competition is to fierce online. You must target something less popular, example leather fetish wear that only a small but highly profitable customers are looking for when they search online. This is just an example.
These money making gurus have planned out their niche; money making, everyone wants to make money online, whom doesn't? Besides those that already have money. And they've come up with a gimmick or niche and a flashy website and title to do all this online. What they sell is a different method of making money online that is different from all the rest of their competition. A gimmick or sales pitch that has a call to action. A very important rule is always have a call to action, example: If you buy our Ebook right now you will receive this bonus of $10.00 off.
The Money Making Secret Revealed!
The guru's are the ones that have created these websites and are now selling their ebooks on how to make money online. The tricks of some of them is that amazingly they sell the same message that has been said again and again and again. Each guru's informational ebook that tells you how to make more money online is usually the same idea that some other guru has written before just a different title and is re-worded differently.
And guess what they're making a killing online selling these ebooks that basically tell you the same thing the other guru has just said and it's perfectly legal! Legal because no copyright has been claimed since the other ebook that told you basically the same thing the previous ebook did has a different title, re-worded and re-written but it's the same material just spelled out differently! And their ebooks and money making manuals are selling in the thousands, bringing these money making gurus six figure incomes and more!Because what is the number one interest in the world? Money making and how to make more money.
No matter how many ebooks you will read or consume your thirst for information on how to make money will never be quenched and that's what these gurus are banking on. And how you can also become just like them with secrets of money making online which will only be revealed with this blog.
There is a huge difference between those that work hard making money online and those that make money online while they don't do a thing. Money is made by them even while they sleep. Some would call it laziness others would call it smart. These smart few are called the gurus or marketing wizards. I wouldn't entirely call them lazy since it did take some time and effort for them to get to the plateau of money making that is now being made for them on auto-pilot. It's a beautiful thing to be able to go to sleep and than wake up seeing that your bank account has grown in size!
Picking Weeds when you should be picking Flowers
Those that work hard online, "the small business's" are trying everyday promoting, advertising, working on new content for their website trying with all their energy and time just to make a living from their online business, and perhaps even losing money to advertising and other forms of promotion. I am not saying that this venture is not worth taking, if you've the passion, love and energy to pursue such a business than I highly recommend it. I own two online business's myself but I only do it for the love and enjoyment that they bring me. Otherwise I would have thrown in the towel long ago.But unlike many other online small business's my two run themselves and other than the enjoyment of creating new content or creation process I don't have the headaches nor stress of inventory, shipping, taking orders, etc. Both my business's run on auto-pilot. You're wondering how I manage to do this? This money making opportunity can be yours also but you must have passion and a love for the products you're selling. More on this later!
I am not inexperienced when it comes to how the internet works and I have read and researched many near countless money making manuals that I've have purchased over time. Unfortunately all these manuals, and videos combined only told me a few things about their systems, that nothing ever really worked except their way to empty my wallet and that from applying their tips and tricks, it made no difference then what I was doing before which was nothing!
I can't be rude and bash all their methods since if you're lucky there may be 5 pages of good input of information that you didn't know before. But then after remarking to yourself wow "I didn't know that," they ruin it by writing over a 100 pages of just useless word wasters or blank pages. Those word wasters and blank pages are there only to make their marketable money making books look bigger and more substantial to suck in buyers, we as humans believe that the more we get the better it is, it is human nature.
Unlike these many "hundreds or even thousands of marketing websites selling their tricks and secrets of how they make their huge six figure paycheck, here is the part where I knock the guru's knickers off only 1% of them offer real information that will and guarantee to make you money. Gasp! Shocking yes, but if you're smart and reading my posts, you will believe me very soon that most are just gimmicks that will not help you profit in any way, the only profit being made is to these marketing guru's that suckered you into purchasing their ebooks.
They're a few gems in the marketing world of money making merchants and that is Clickbank
If you ever purchase any online ebook or marketing money making manuel or dvd make sure it's from Clickbank and sold by Clickbank only before you buy. If you don't you will be certainly scammed out of your money and could be sold a 100 pages of blank pages. Clickbank is the only place to purchase such items since they're trustworthy and reliable and if you're not completely happy with your purchase they will refund your money within the time period in their faq resource. Another tip to learn never ever believe any merchant that sells from Clickbank that offers more than 8 weeks of a return policy since they're trying to scam you, Clickbank will only refund your money within 8 weeks.There are a few, select few that will guarantee you success with your online money making endeavors and I will share just a few of them in my next post more to come and how to make money easily and quickly online in my future posts.
After my list came together and combined. My new money making job would be a job that involved computers, creating, writing and of course money. What does your list say about you? Perhaps you are not quite sure about what type of job would fit you with your happy money making list. If you're not sure and need advice please feel free to comment and I will get back to you asap.
Looking at my list, what can you do with these things that involves being online? Well I could create websites for customers with my html course training and love for creating or I could write articles for cash. These idea's are all great money venues, but if you need a steady income and fast and something that would be even more profitable and make me even more money with less stress and pressure of website building. I needed to research something more broad that would attract more traffic and thus create more customers and build on my profit.
I began to research online, every ebook and marketing gimmick I could find that offered me a chance to make money. Some offered me tips and tricks most were just sales gimmicks all spewing the same thing over and over again. I needed results not a pep rally that involved acronyms and ebooks that all basically told me the same things that I already knew from common sense and my own experiences and research on the web.
I wanted results not facts nor gimmicks that may or may not make you money. I was becoming more and more frustrated with the results I wasn't making money I was losing money from buying all those ebooks and courses.
What was a girl to do? Give up? Never even as a young child I remember always my swimming instructor telling me those words never give up to this ungraceful belly flopping child whom never could get her dive right. I did prove him wrong but not till I was in my teens and did my first fifteen foot dive off a diving board.
And I wasn't about to give up on my dreams and money making goals.
That was when I saw the light, the light of Google bright golden egg gleam of opportunities.What do people do everyday on the net? They search for information and information that interests them or they wish to learn more about. There are two groups of searchers one is passive searcher, browsing along the info-highways of the internet just surfing, till something catches their eye or interests them the other is active searcher, one whom browses for products to buy or information to purchase or learn. Both are huge money makers if you know how appeal to the active and passive searcher.
Once I had my list connected. It opened a new money making doorway for me, a doorway towards financial freedom. And into an independent job where I could make money at what I enjoy doing the most. Where I was the boss, where I could make or break my own schedule, work as much or as little as I wanted.
Have more time with my family and friends, have the luxuries that I had fantasized about and be completely happy with my new fantastic life!
1. reading
2. writing
3. family and friends
4. computers
5. creating
6. laughter
7. fun
8. money
Just by connecting my own list you can logically see that I love the simple things in life the things that every mentally healthy individual needs in their life to be happy. The other things are hobbies computers, creating, reading and writing and than of course the non-hobby but the necessity; money to survive. And with the more money you've, the more time you will have to spend on the rest of your happy things like extra time with family and friends.
Computers and Creating combine those two items together for just moment and think of the many occupations that you can come up with that involve these two things? What if you were an artist? And your other joyful hobby was to spend time on the computer. With these two items of computer and creating working together in perfect harmony. Perhaps then you would start your own digital graphics online art store where you sell your digital designs to clients online. The beauty of this is that no paint mess to clean up nor supplies to buy and more space in your home from not having a studio take up space. Inventory is never an issue either and you can reach the world with the internet more exposure to your digital designs = more profit and you guessed it more money in your pocket!
Add in reading and writing and you have yourself a very lucrative and profitable blog where you can write about your artwork, designs and thoughts that people can subscribe to and where you can further your art exposure and gain more customers, providing a word-of-mouth type of business where one person tells another how great your blog is and than another and it's passed on an on and on! Where your traffic will build each day and you will make more money.
Add in Goggle Adsense to your blog or web page and you have even more money coming in. I will write more on Adsense later and show you how even a newbie Adsense user can become a money making wizard using only the amazing money making power of Adsense!
In my next post I will show you how I combined all the things in my happy list to give me the financial freedom, happiness and enjoyment of my new fantastic life and how you can follow the easy steps I will show you to also reach your financial goals and dreams!
As someone whom has struggled all their life to make a better life for herself. Whom has never had opportunity knock on her door. Whom has had to fight for everything and whom has had everything taken away from her to only brush herself off and get back up again. Trying endlessly to climb up that ladder or financial freedom to only have one of the fat cats knock her back down again.
I tried everything to make money and better myself. Taking countless courses of different topics bouncing from one course to the next till even my counselor began to label me the bouncer. Never truly happy with what I did nor making much along the way just losing money. Losing from all the money spent taking courses that were to get me a better job, losing money at all the countless jobs that seemed to always end in lay off, bankruptcy or job cancellations. Never my own fault, just bad luck in jobs and the economy. As soon as I was hired it seemed that I would need to find another job the next week. Terrible luck
I was at the end of my patience and emotional roller-coaster ride of never finding that one perfect job that would give me security and the financial freedom I longed for.
Another job posting and another hire to only be trained and than find out that they didn't need me anymore.
I was living pay check to pay check. Barely surviving mentally. Till I woke up one day and realized that I needed to do something about my situation and quick, that I wasn't made for the 9-5 work day and that I needed to be my own boss to succeed.
I sat down and wrote a list not a list of grocery items I could afford and not afford but this time my list title was:
My list went something like this:
2. writing
3. family and friends
4. computers
5. creating
6. laughter
7. fun
8. money
Looking back on my happy list I realized that money itself was not my highest priority. When I needed money the most it was at the bottom. I than began to understand what this free thought was telling me. That I needed the things in my life to make me happy and to be fully happy in my job I needed this very important things. No bosses, no dead-line, no 9-5 work schedule.
This simple list made me realize that in all the jobs I worked at all of these things were lacking. And that was why I could never truly succeed.
If you feel dis-satisfied with your job and unhappy with your work, sit down for a moment clear your head of all thoughts, stress's, and just write a free form list of things that make you happy the first things and words that pop into your head. Than go over each thing, connect them together and find out what job could provide you with your happy thoughts? And what do you need to get there?