Money Making Gurus
You work hard everyday at your job, clocking in your hours, stress of deadlines, or physical and mentally exhausting work. Many hours of your day, weeks, months and years are spent at work, roughly 80% of your life is spent at work! Amazing statistic and quite disgusting when you think about it. When all this time could be spent doing the things you enjoy in life the most, spending more time with family and friends, traveling, experiencing more of life's wonders and joys instead of working 9-5 Monday-Friday.
Why can't I put my work on auto-pilot and make the type of money these gurus make? Is it because I am not smart enough? Wrong! Anyone that can connect to the internet can make money online. What do these money making guru's have that I don't?
They have a niche and they have interested traffic meaning real people that are interested in what they to say. They sell their information to a niche, a niche means a targeted product or item, even information can be niched. But it has to be targeted, imagine that you wished to create your own niche, selling lingerie. Lingerie is such a huge and broad spectrum type of niche that when you search for lingerie online you can come up with over a million sites all trying to sell lingerie. Too big of a market and the big fish have already claimed it, example Victoria's Secret and they're not going to back down to a little tadpole like you. The competition is to fierce online. You must target something less popular, example leather fetish wear that only a small but highly profitable customers are looking for when they search online. This is just an example.
These money making gurus have planned out their niche; money making, everyone wants to make money online, whom doesn't? Besides those that already have money. And they've come up with a gimmick or niche and a flashy website and title to do all this online. What they sell is a different method of making money online that is different from all the rest of their competition. A gimmick or sales pitch that has a call to action. A very important rule is always have a call to action, example: If you buy our Ebook right now you will receive this bonus of $10.00 off.
The Money Making Secret Revealed!
The guru's are the ones that have created these websites and are now selling their ebooks on how to make money online. The tricks of some of them is that amazingly they sell the same message that has been said again and again and again. Each guru's informational ebook that tells you how to make more money online is usually the same idea that some other guru has written before just a different title and is re-worded differently.
And guess what they're making a killing online selling these ebooks that basically tell you the same thing the other guru has just said and it's perfectly legal! Legal because no copyright has been claimed since the other ebook that told you basically the same thing the previous ebook did has a different title, re-worded and re-written but it's the same material just spelled out differently! And their ebooks and money making manuals are selling in the thousands, bringing these money making gurus six figure incomes and more!Because what is the number one interest in the world? Money making and how to make more money.
No matter how many ebooks you will read or consume your thirst for information on how to make money will never be quenched and that's what these gurus are banking on. And how you can also become just like them with secrets of money making online which will only be revealed with this blog.
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