Once I had my list connected. It opened a new money making doorway for me, a doorway towards financial freedom. And into an independent job where I could make money at what I enjoy doing the most. Where I was the boss, where I could make or break my own schedule, work as much or as little as I wanted.

Have more time with my family and friends, have the luxuries that I had fantasized about and be completely happy with my new fantastic life!

Making Money Online

Remember my list?

1. reading
2. writing
3. family and friends
4. computers
5. creating
6. laughter
7. fun
8. money

Just by connecting my own list you can logically see that I love the simple things in life the things that every mentally healthy individual needs in their life to be happy. The other things are hobbies computers, creating, reading and writing and than of course the non-hobby but the necessity; money to survive. And with the more money you've, the more time you will have to spend on the rest of your happy things like extra time with family and friends.

Computers and Creating combine those two items together for just moment and think of the many occupations that you can come up with that involve these two things? What if you were an artist? And your other joyful hobby was to spend time on the computer. With these two items of computer and creating working together in perfect harmony. Perhaps then you would start your own digital graphics online art store where you sell your digital designs to clients online. The beauty of this is that no paint mess to clean up nor supplies to buy and more space in your home from not having a studio take up space. Inventory is never an issue either and you can reach the world with the internet more exposure to your digital designs = more profit and you guessed it more money in your pocket!

Add in reading and writing and you have yourself a very lucrative and profitable blog where you can write about your artwork, designs and thoughts that people can subscribe to and where you can further your art exposure and gain more customers, providing a word-of-mouth type of business where one person tells another how great your blog is and than another and it's passed on an on and on! Where your traffic will build each day and you will make more money.

Add in Goggle Adsense to your blog or web page and you have even more money coming in. I will write more on Adsense later and show you how even a newbie Adsense user can become a money making wizard using only the amazing money making power of Adsense!

In my next post I will show you how I combined all the things in my happy list to give me the financial freedom, happiness and enjoyment of my new fantastic life and how you can follow the easy steps I will show you to also reach your financial goals and dreams!